jueves, 27 de junio de 2013


Preventing Youth Tobacco Use

We will make a change of tobacco being used in schools. We are going to do the job that professionals dont do, helping all kids that are involved with that problems.

Our prevention programme"s iniciative is to make people more aware about this issue. We will first talk with the autorities to start planning everything. As they agree, we will start making posters and flyers to make people understand our proyect. Finally we will try making conferences with the school psychologists.

Family is also involved a little bit in this proyect. We also want to make the parents know about this issue, so they can also help the teens with the problems they are dealing with.

The main problem is that a lot of kids already started using tobacco. So we got to help them quit or at least try to. The other big problem is that some kids want to start at their age, so the purpose is to divert them form that.

The main goals of this big proyect are to create awareness. Get the teens that are already using drugs to make want to quit and help them when they get to that. And also divert the ones that are trying to start

The hard things are going to convince the headmaster of the school to let us do this. Also to make so many posters ans flyers to advice the school.

Even all of our hard work, the only outcome we will get out of this will be the self satisfaction of knowing that we have helped people in trouble and maybe change some lives.

martes, 25 de junio de 2013

News report

Link http://www.healthcanal.com/public-health-safety/40033-most-north-carolina-high-school-students-not-asked-about-smoking-by-health-care-providers.html

Nearly two thirds of the North Carolina middle school and high school students answer a survey and said that no health care professional have gave them some advice about drugs or at least ask them if they smoke. It is known that their doctors, physicians and parents dont talk about drugs and alcohol with their children. So they should start doing that right now. Many teens that are now trying to quit drugs is because some professional have talk with them and tell them about the consecuences of drugs using. There is one third of the teens in North Carolina that know about drugs consecuences. But there are two thirds of this teens that dont even know what they are dealing with, so eve if you are not a preofessional you may talk with your children about this so they can quit or at least be conscient about what they are doing. Most of the parents dont know what their kids do in their free time. It is half their fault of the teens being in drugs
 The Fact is that actually all the professionals need to improve their work. Talking to more children, going at schools, giving conferences and any other way to help them.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Second Work R.Maculet

This work was pretty decent and I liked it. It didnt had so many letters, which made it simple. The pictures were a bit misplaced but  did make sense with the poster. One grammar mistake which was brutal, but in general it was good. It has a good presentation, good colors, nice pictures and organized.

First Work R.Isla

This work from Roberto Isla was pretty good in general. It had some grammar mistakes,it was a little bit disrupted and the labels were a little bit out of context. But looking at the bright side, it was very startling and it does call the viewer atention. Some good combined colors and big letters make it shine in front of the others.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Links of pictuures

1.- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_94PNpr8mAgQjk4UnhWcXEyenM/edit?usp=sharing
2.- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_94PNpr8mAgTTRwMUJhVU4tb0k/edit?usp=sharing
3.- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_94PNpr8mAgMjJ5N3lNanNJTFE/edit?usp=sharing
4.- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_94PNpr8mAgMFdWYjJVd0Q2blE/edit?usp=sharing
5.- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_94PNpr8mAgbnRwVGFESUhtUU0/edit?usp=sharing

Tobacco Quitting and Policy

Tobacco Quitting and Policy

If you dont know so much about tobacco, it could turn out dangerous.

Too many kids and teenagers already started using tobacco, so they got to quit. Or at least try. Teachers can help, providing assistance to the students by giving some information about the theme and linked them with programs about quitting tobacco. If you are a tobacco user, this could help you. Also you could even see some representatives in the school thanks to the program. Teachers and assistants from this program agency, often give rewards to students who apply techniques to quit tobacco.

This program is improved by teachers who are prepared to deliver the curriculum properly. Also this teachers make activities to help the kids and teens.

The mayority of tobacco companies try to get to the schools to sell their product. So the schools are or should be off limits to tobacco companies. The problem is that the tobacco companies dont stop trying to get inside the schools, so they make "gifts", like book covers, anti-youth smoking books and money to achieve the program intended. Some poor schools say that they can only offer this tobacco prevention programs by accepting the money and gifts that the companies provide. Yet, most schools dont even try to get funds for this cause, so they accept the help from the companies. That is always a bad deal for the kids and teens.

The schools must regularly evaluate and take stadistics about how much this programhas helped and how many kids and teens have left drugs. This is always useful because it helps to see which areas needs some reinforcement and to persuade others schools to start adopting this program.

The policy about tobacco in schools obviously says that it is ilegal, unless it is used as a medicine. Even that, the companies still try to get into the schools, as promoting them legally. The policy is not that strict, it should really improve and at least try to help the teens to get off drugs and tobacco.

Summing it all up, instead of stopping kids starting, we should help the ones that have already started. Apart from the help the programs give, the teachers also help by helping the kids and being like a tutor for them in this process. The policy also is too soft about the issue, so it should be more strict about teens and tobacco.