viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014
lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014
Letter of protest
700 Vicuña Mackena
Viña del Mar
Prime Minister David Cameron
United Kingdom
12 May 2014
Dear Mr. Cameron,
I am writing to express my concern about the people killed the day of the massacre in the U.K. A lot of protestants, with nothing more than banners and megaphones, were killed that day in the marchs, being that the reason why it's called the "Bloody Sunday". A day when the power of the government was shown in a catastrophic way against the people.
I am particularly concerned about the power the government has. Guns weren't suppose to be used against the demonstration. This shows an overpowered government. The rights of the people disappeared at the time when people can't even take part in the decisssions of the country. The march was a clear example of the government being unfair. As so it was pacific until the soldiers started shooting at protestants.
The fact is that there was a lot of victims that day. Think about the families. A lot of them lost their children, and most importantly their parents. Without their parents they were forced to work for money, because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to pay for all the expenses. The amount of money had much importance on their development as a person. The emotional side is also very important in this situation, because nobody is going to return the family members of people involved in this event. These are the two big consecuences of all the people that were unfairly killed.
As an example of what happened, there is an article on the BBC website. It tells the story of a 17 year old protestant that joined the march on the day of the "Bloody Sunday". He was killed by a soldier that shot him on his spine. His family was shocked. Her mother was depressed as so as his brother. A while after that the mother was ill, and died a year later. You can see not only the effect it caused to politics, but the effect it caused on families.
It is for these reasons that I would like to ask you, the Prime Minister, to provide help to the people affected by this event. What I mean by helping them, is to support them with money for the damage it caused to families, that without their parents they had to work for it.
I look forward to your response.
Yours truly,
Kiyoshi Shinya