jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


Commodus leaves the arena. He goes to where his throne is and sits. He is mad and angry, so he starts yelling.
Commodus: Adviser! Where are you?!
The adviser appears running into the emperor's chamber.
Adviser: What's happened sir?
Commodus: I just gave a thumbs up to a gladiator, but he wasn't just a gladiatr. he was Maximus Meridas, the old general of the army.
Adviser: What is he doing as a gladiator? You should've killed him, why did you gave him a thumbs up?
Commodus settles on the throne.
Commodus: Because of the croud. They were all yelling at me to do it and I wasn't going to say no. I can't just kill him and expect everyone to be calm. They like him. 
Adviser: You should get rid of him before anything happens.
Commodus: And that's exactly what I am planning to do. 
The adviser thinks with his mouth opne and stares at the emperor.

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