viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Assignment, Persuasive Techniques

2.- The worst technique its probably the Name Calling, because if people know you are creating a negative point of view, independant of what's about, they will consider you an unfair producer and probably turn against you. In the Burger King example, its obviously referring to the McDonalds franchise, saying that their hamburgers are not as big as they say.

1.- I believe that the best persuasive technique is the Testimonial. I think its the best one because it reaches a specific audience which makes it more effective. It appeals to someone that you probably know and consider famous, so you'll probabl feel comfortable with the product. In the SmartWater ad, Jennifer Aniston is promoting a product, which is what most women would probably consider a stereotypical women, wanting to be like her, so they would drink the water she promotes.

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